Preparing for Heaven (Revelation 4:8)

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In 1991 a Gallup poll showed that 78 percent of Americans expect to go to heaven when they die. However, many of them hardly ever pray, read the Bible, or attend church. They admit that they live to please themselves instead of God. I wonder why these people would want to go to heaven.

In an article titled, “Are We Ready for Heaven?” Maurice R. Irwin points out that only 34 percent of the American people who call themselves Christians attend church at least once a week. He says, “We sing, ‘When all my labors and trials are o’er, and I am safe on that beautiful shore, just to be near the dear Lord I adore will through the ages be glory for me.’ However, unless our attitudes toward the Lord and our appreciation of Him change greatly, heaven may be more of a shock than a glory.

The Bible says that life in heaven will be very different from life on earth. I doubt that people will be spending eternity playing golf, watching baseball, or enjoying some other sport. Heaven is described as a place where angels and redeemed people live in the presence of God in all His glory. They are occupied primarily with worshiping and praising Him.

Lord, prepare us for heaven by helping us to love You more while we still live here on earth. – Herbert Vander Lugt

The life we choose to live each day

Prepares us for what’s yet in store;

It makes more sure great loss or gain

When transient pleasures are no more. – D. J. De Haan

Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people.

  • July 31, 1992, Our Daily Bread

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