Secret Sins (Psalm 19:12)

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The African white ant lives under the soil and is not easily detected. But it creates havoc in buildings if left unchecked. A description by Scottish biologist and Christian writer Henry Drummond said, “One may never see the insect, for it lives underground; but its ravages confront one at every turn. You build your house, and for a few months fancy you have pitched upon the one solitary site in the country where there are no white ants. But one day suddenly the doorpost totters, and lintels and rafters come down together with a crash. You look at a section of the wrecked timber and discover that the whole inside is eaten clean away. The apparently solid logs of which the rest of the house is built are now mere cylinders of bark, and through the thickest of them you could push your little finger.

Secret sins are as damaging to the life and testimony of the Christian as the hidden white ant is to an African house. Concealed transgressions that are left ignored or unjudged will weaken Christian character, and undermine the believer’s effectiveness. On the outside, everything may appear to be going well, but the core of the Christian life is slowly and silently being eaten away.

What’s the solution? The psalmist David prayed earnestly for cleansing from “secret faults” and for divine restraint. His heart’s desire was that his spoken words and inward meditations would be pleasing to the Lord at all times. By following his example, we can exterminate secret sins. – Paul R. Van Gorder

Just one evil thought, what harm can it do?

But give it free reign, and soon there are two,

And then sinful deeds and habits ensue;

So guard all your thoughts, or they’ll destroy you. – D. J. De Haan

The sin we try to cover up will someday bring us down.

  • June 19, 1985, Our Daily Bread

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