Enjoy, Give Thanks, and Share (Ecclesiastes 5:18)

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Some Christians in an affluent society feel guilty about enjoying simple everyday luxuries. There are several reasons for this. One is the claim by some experts that our plant’s resources are in short supply, and someday there won’t be enough to go around.

Now, we should be good stewards of earth’s resources and avoid waste, but I don’t believe this scarcity scare. Twenty-four world experts recently addressed this issue in a volume entitled, The Resourceful Earth: A Response to Global 2000. They stated that our physical world is so marvelous in its design and resources that it can support vast population increase indefinitely. They declared that we have no overall shortages of food, water, energy, or other resources. The shortages are almost always local in nature, and many of them are the result of greed or mismanagement.

The apostle Paul said that Godgives us richly all things to enjoy(1 Timothy 6:17). This should free us of guilt for having a comfortable home, a nice car, and the financial means to do some of the things we enjoy. But the goodness of God should also move us to give generously. Although there is enough of this world’s resources for all, not all in our world have enough.  To the prosperous, God says, “Let them do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share” (v. 18).

Enjoy, give thanks, and share are three responses to God’s goodness that must always go together.Herbert Vander Lugt

Thrice blest will all our blessings be

When we can use them, Lord, for Thee;

When each glad heart its tribute pays

Of love and gratitude and praise. –  Anon.

Riches are a blessing only to those who make them a blessing to others.

  • June 20, 1987, Our Daily Bread

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