More Than Just a Wish (1 John 5:14)

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In Rangoon, Burma, is a 326-foot-high, golden-domed pagoda called the Shwedagon. More than 5,000 diamonds adorn the roof of this glittering center of worship. Instead of being a quiet refuge for contemplation and prayer, it is more like a combination of a circus and Disneyland. Near the Shwedagon are smaller temples painted turquoise, shocking pink, bright green, and orange.

Within the temple itself are merchants selling images of Buddha, gold leaf, flowers, and incense. Bells tinkle incessantly, and the smell of incense fills the air. The worshipers chant, pray, and give their offerings. Some of them stop at sacred “washing spots” where they can make their desires known to the gods. They come to these wishing spots day after day in the hopes that their dreams will finally become reality.

How different is our approach to the God of the Bible. Jehoshaphat’s prayer in our Scripture reading for today, for example, was not just a wish. It was heard and answered by God (2 Chronicles 20:14-30). We as Christians have confidence that still today His ear is tuned to our every request. We know that when we express our desires and make our needs known in prayer, we direct them to a living God who hears and answers. We pray with confidence because God’s goodness is unending and He will always do what is best for us.

Yes, for the Christian, prayers are so much more than a wish.David C. Egner

God has given you His promise

That He hears and answers prayer;

He will heed your supplication

If you cast on Him your care. – Anon.

God not only prompts the asking – He also provides the answer.

  • June 22, 1988, Our Daily Bread

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