Inseparable! (Romans 8:35)

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In his book Divine Lord and Savior, theologian Albertus Pieters tells about a man who was known as “Old Pete.” Although he had little education, he had a good grasp of God’s Word.

On one occasion when he was visiting Dr. Pieters, Old Pete made a simple yet profound observation. He said, “If God should take me to the very mouth of hell and say to me, ‘Here you go, Peter; this is where you belong,’ I would say to Him. ‘That’s true, Lord, I do belong there. But if You make me go to that place, Your dear Son Jesus Christ must go with me. He and I are now one and we cannot be separated anymore.’

Every person who has trusted in the Lord Jesus for salvation has been united with Him. And that union is inseparable. It gives the child of God a song on his lips and peace in his hearts as he travels through life and anticipates his heavenly home.

Old Pete was right. Romans 8:1 states, “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.Our union with Christ assures us of our freedom from condemnation.

Remember, as believers we are united with Him. We are inseparable. – Richard W. De Haan

He’ll not let my should be lost,

Christ will hold me fast;

Bought by Him at such a cost

He will hold me fast. – Habershon

Because Christ lives in us now, we will live with Him forever.

  • July 1, 1993, Our Daily Bread