A Strong Constitution (1 Peter 2:9)

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The Declaration of Independence speaks of our being “created equal” and says that we are endowed with certain “unalienable rights.” The Constitution of the United States guarantees that the government will protect those rights for all its citizens. These two documents clearly reveal that our freedom depends largely on a strong national constitution.

The Bible is a more far-reaching “bill of rights” than either of these documents. It originated with God, who backs it with His justice, His concern for all people, and His sovereign power. And it is the only charter that guarantees freedom from sin’s penalty and power.

One day, John Semiono went to a clergyman to get some advice about religious virtue. “What must I do to attain holiness?” he asked. The pastor replied, “Follow your heart.” But then he added, “To follow your heart you are going to need a strong constitution.” “Which constitution?” asked John. “The Bible!” he replied.

Peter said, Christians are “a holy nation” who can “proclaim the praises of Him who called [us] out of darkness into His marvelous light(1 Peter 2:9). In His light we find true freedom. And when we live by our “constitution,” we will be able to enjoy our rights and fulfill our calling. – Dennis J. De Haan

God’s changeless Word will change our lives,

But we must do our part;

When we live out its principles,

We’ll keep it in our heart. – Sper

The best constitution in the world is the Bible.

  • July 4, 1993, Our Daily Bread