Handled with Care (Hebrews 12:10)

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Good parents try to be impartial in disciplining their children, but they also consider each child’s uniqueness. A stern word may crush one but have no effect on another. Discipline must be tailored to the child’s temperament without breaking his spirit. Yet even the best parents can be too harsh or too lenient.

God chastens us when we persist in living contrary to His will (1 Corinthians 11:32). He also trains and disciplines by means of adverse circumstances. As we persevere, we become stronger. This seems to have been the case with the Hebrew believers in today’s passage. No specific sins are mentioned, but these believers may have been wavering in their faith. They needed to be warned and encouraged to remain confident.

Whenever we are disciplined, we tend to argue with God: “But, Lord, other Christians aren’t going through what I’m going through right now. And that may be true. But we are all different people and are at different place in our lives. Only God knows how best to deal with us. But one thing is sure – we will always be handled with the greatest of care. – Dennis J. De Haan

The training we receive from God

Is always right and fair,

Although at times we many ask why

Or wonder if He’s there. – Sper

Reproof is one proof of God’s love for us.

  • July 7, 1992, Our Daily Bread