Sacrificial Giving (2 Corinthians 8:7)

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On one occasion George W.  Truett, an outstanding preacher of his day, was asked to help a struggling amount still needed was $6,500. Truett called it “the slowest, must reluctant effort to obtain funds” he had ever encountered. When the people refused to pledge more than $3,000, he exclaimed in exasperation, “What do you expect of me? I don’t’ have the other $3,500 you need to reach your goal. I’m just a guest here today!”

Suddenly a woman near the back stood up to speak. Looking at her husband seated on the platform recording the pledges, she said in a quivering voice, “Charlie, I wonder if you would be willing for us to give our little home? We were offered exactly $3,500 cash for it yesterday. If the Savior gave His life for us, wouldn’t He be pleased if we made this sacrifice for Him?” Truett says, “The fine fellow responded with equal generosity, ‘Yes, Jennie, I was thinking the same thing.’ Turning to me with tears in his eyes, he said, ‘Brother Truett, if it’s needed, we’ll raise our pledge by $3,500.’ Silence reigned for a few moments, and then some of the people began to cry. Those who 15 minutes earlier had sat in silence now either added their names to the list or increased their donations. In a short time their goal had been achieved, and Charlie and Jennie didn’t have to forfeit their home.

Have you ever given sacrificially?Henry G. Bosch

Grant us, Lord, the grace of giving

With a spirit large and free,

That our lives and all our living

We may consecrate to Thee. – Murray

God judges what we give by what we keep.

  • July 12, 1987, Our Daily Bread