One in Christ (Galatians 3:26)

Shortly after World War II, a Christian college sponsored a retreat in the California mountains. among those who attended were a pilot who had served in Hitler’s Luftwaffe, a man who had flown for Japan, and former U.S. Air Force pilot who had bombed Germany. The three men were unsaved and had never met.

At the final session of the retreat, everyone gathered around a big campfire. A speaker invited people to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior. Then they were asked to take a stick and toss it into the fire – a gesture of their willingness to give their lives to “burn” for Christ.

The German pilot was the first one to do so, followed by the Japanese and the American. With tear-filled eyes, these former enemies stood with their arms around each other and blended their voices with other believers in singing, “Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love.” They were experiencing the fellowship we enjoy as believers.

We who are in Christ enjoy the unity that supersedes all human divisions. The apostle Paul reminded us, “You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus(Galatians 3:26). The differences that formerly separated us have been obliterated. We are one in Christ. – Richard W. De Haan

Blest be the tie that blinds

Our hearts in Christian love!

The fellowship of kindred minds

Is like to that above. – Fawcett

Our union with Christ is the basis for our unity with one another.

July 18, 1993