Peace Through Prevention (Matthew 5:9)

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All believers are citizens of the heavenly kingdom that is ruled by the Prince of Peace. Therefore, they should do everything within their power to maintain a life of peace – especially in the family. This is not always easy, however. The fragile thread of thrust and serenity within the home can be easily broken, resulting in strife and conflict. To prevent this from happening, we must respect confidences, build loving relationships, and seek the good of others. We must be peacemakers.

In his classic work on the Beatitudes titled The Heavenly Octave. Frank William Boreham included this passage: “The ideal peacemaker is the man who prevents the peace from being broken. To prevent a battle is the best way of winning a battle. I once said to a Jewish rabbi, ‘I have heard that at a Jewish wedding a glass is broken as part of the symbolism of the ceremony. Is that a fact?’ ‘Of course it is,’ he replied. ‘We hold aloft a glass, let it fall and be shattered to atoms, and then, pointing to its fragments, we exhort the young people to guard jealously the sacred relationship into which they have entered since, once it is fractured, it can never be restored.’

Christ said, “Blessed are the peacemakers.” This applies to us if we love peace and quickly try to resolve problems before permanent damage is done. We must also examine our own behavior honestly to make certain that we are not the cause of hostility. A peacemaker has learned that peace is best achieved through prevention. – David C. Egner

O Prince of Peace, keep us, we pray,

From strife and enmity;

Help us to speak with loving words

That quell hostility. – Branon

Never invite trouble – it always accepts.

  • July 28, 1984, Our Daily Bread