God’s Wise Plan (Job 23:10)

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The inexplainable workings of an all-wise and all-powerful God are beautifully expressed in one of William Cowper’s familiar hymns. He wrote: “God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform; He plants His footsteps in the sea, and rides upon the storm.Because God works mysteriously, we are sometimes perplexed. From our limited point of view, it often appears that everything is wrong and out of control. The heavenly Father, however, wants His children to trust Him even when they cannot understand Him.

While Michelangelo was working on St. Peter’s Cathedral, he was criticized by some of the men working on the building him. They didn’t like what they saw and told him so. The great artist responded, “Even if I were able to make plans and ideas clear to you – which I am not – I am not obliged to do so. I must ask you to do your best to help me, and when the work is complete the conception will be better understood.” History has confirmed that he was right. Those who found fault with his work did so out of ignorance. Not understanding what was in the mind of the artist, they couldn’t see the whole picture and full design.

You may be going through the deep waters of trial, affliction, or adversity today and cannot understand what God is doing in your life. But rest assured that He knows what He’s doing. So trust Him for the outcome. And someday you’ll rejoice in God’s wise plan. – Richard W. De Haan

Blind unbelief is sure to err,

And scan His work in vain,

God is His own interpreter,

And He will make it plain. – Cowper

When God is going to do something wonderful, He’ll often begin with a difficulty.

  • August 3, 1987, Our Daily Bread