Lucy’s Knack (James 4:11)

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Linus had his security blanket in place and his thumb resting safely in his mouth, but he was troubled. Turning to Lucy, who was sitting next to him, he asked, “Why are you always so anxious to criticize me?

Her response was typical: “I just think I have a knack for seeing other people’s faults.

Exasperated, Linus threw his hands up and asked, “What about your own faults?”

Without hesitation, Lucy explained, “I have a knack for overlooking them.”

Some people think it their God-ordained responsibility to dish out criticism.  They see it as their knack. Some even consider it their spiritual gift. But these people are often blind to their own weaknesses.

The words of James offer a solution to this critical spirit. Verses 7 and 8 encourage us to recognize our faults and humbly submit to God. We must draw near to God, cleanse our hands, and purify our hearts (v. 8). This will help us take a realistic view of ourselves so that we will not “speak evil of one another (v. 11).

When we follow the pattern that James prescribed, we will learn to recognize and confess our sins, rather than develop the knack of seeing the faults of others and overlooking our own. – J. David Branon

By grace one day I came to see

That it would wise be

To cease my criticizing “them,”

And right what’s wrong with me. – Beck

The more we correct ourselves the less we’ll criticize others.

  • August 4, 1990, Our Daily Bread