Appeal of the Forbidden (Genesis 3:6)

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The story is told young boy who was being cared for by a nanny. He saw a beautiful vase in the china cabinet, and he wanted it. When he was refused, he began screaming, kicking, and crying. His mother, hearing the fuss, came into the room to find out what the problem was.

Picking up her child, she said to him, “What do you want, darling?” He pointed to the vase, so she gave it to him. But that didn’t satisfy him and soon she began crying again. “Now what does my little darling want?” the mother asked. “I want … I want,” said the boy between sobs, and then he blurted out, “I want what I can’t have!

The desire for what is off-limits is not confined to spoiled children. It reflects a tendency in all of us that goes back to the beginning of human history. The fruit of the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil” was forbidden (Genesis 2:17), a fact that very likely enhanced its appeal.

The Bible teaches us that many practices and attitudes in today’s society are forbidden. But that often fuels the flame of desire. So it’s important that we know God’s will, identify evil allurements, and resist temptation. We must beware of the appeal of the forbidden!Richard W. De Haan

Enticement to evil is often strong,

To sin and engage in all that’s wrong;

But we must resist temptation’s plea

And yield to the Christ of Calvary. – Fitzhugh

Don’t keep one eye on the temptation while praying not to be led into it.

  • August 12, Vol. 7, Our Daily Bread