Slaves of Sin (John 8:34)

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If a person repeatedly gives in to a particular sin, he becomes a slave to it. A man dying of AIDS said remorsefully that he had felt guilty about his homosexual way of life. But somehow he couldn’t carry out his resolve to give up his immoral lifestyle. Another young man admitted that his wife left him because of his preoccupation with pornographic literature. He’s unhappy, but he can’t stay away from smut shops. Similarly, many people who take cocaine realize that they are ruining their lives, but they feel powerless to give up the habit.

Samson too had become a slave to sin. He continued an affair with Delilah even though it was obvious that she was bent on betraying him to his enemies. Why? Not because he was stupid, but because he was a slave to his lust. Like the homosexual, the pornography addict, and the drug user, he could not do what he knew he should.

Once we start down the wrong path, it hard to turn back. Jesus said in John 8:34 that whoever keeps on sinning will become a slave to sin. Some of the most dangerous practices can bring temporary pleasure. That’s why they are so ensnaring. Freedom, however, is found in becoming a slave of Jesus Christ.

If you are now in the grip of an evil practice that is ruining your life, don’t despair. Acknowledge your sin and helplessness to the Lord, accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, and submit fully to Him. He will deliver you from the slavery of sin. – Herbert Vander Lugt

We can’t afford to play with fire

Nor tempt a serpent’s bite;

We can’t afford to think that sin

Brings joy and true delight. – Anon.

The pleasures of sin are for a season, but its wages are for eternity.

  • August 17, 1987, Our Daily Bread