Help! (Psalm 108:11-12)

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This is the age of “how to” books. You can find nearly every kind imaginable. In fact, a quick search of one online bookstore revealed 32,000 different “how to” titles!

But what happens when you can’t find the “How To” you need most? What do you do when you want to know How to Get Your Children to Live Right, or How to Make Your Spouse Cherish You, or How to Survive the Death of a Loved One, but you simply cannot find an answer?

When the “How To” books of life don’t bring you what you are desperately seeking, here’s how to make it when “How To’s” don’t work.

  • If you are a believer in Christ, remember His promise never to leave you (Hebrews 13:5).
  • Realize the remarkable truth that the Holy Spirit is praying for you. Romans 8:26 says that the Spirit understands your difficulties when you cannot even express them, and He prays to the Father for you.
  • Turn to the Lord in the midst of your difficulty, for He is your refuge and strength. When trouble hits, He’s there with you to calm your fears (Psalm 46:1-2).

With help from God, you can get through even your toughest challenges. – J. David Branon

Got any rivers you think are uncrossable?

Got any mountains you can’t tunnel through?

God specializes in things thought impossible –

He does the things others cannot do. – Eliason

Our troubles seem smaller when we ponder the greatness of God.

  • August 20, Vol. 18, Our Daily Bread