The Miracle of Miracles (Romans 1:4)

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It was a coincidental meeting in a restaurant. I had seen this faith healer on television; n ow we were talking face to face. He was gracious and friendly. We discussed miracles. The big question in the back of my mind was about the miracle of all miracles. So I asked him, “Have you ever seen a person raised from the dead?

He paused, “I guess that brings up the question, when is a person really dead? I suppose if someone dies and is embalmed and gets up out of the casket, that would be a true miracle. No,“ he said candidly, “I have never seen that happen.

The soldiers who crucified Jesus were sure He was dead, so they didn’t bother to break His legs (John 19:33). In the tomb, Jesus was not in some kind of semiconscious state from which He revived. His resurrection was real, and it demonstrated that He was the Son of God (Romans 1:4). But it did more. It validated the forgiveness He offers us (1 Corinthians 15:17), made possible our new life in Christ (Romans 8:11), and guaranteed the promise that we’ll have a resurrected body in heaven (1 Corinthians 15:20).

No, I’ve never seen a dead person come to life. But we know that Jesus did rise. His tomb is empty. And His Spirit assures us that this miracle of all miracles is true. – Dennis J. De Haan

I know that my Redeemer lives;

What joy the blest assurance gives!

He lives, He lives, who once was dead;

He lives, my everlasting Head! – Medley

Many religious leaders have risen to greatness; only Jesus has risen from the grave.

  • August 21, 1993, Our Daily Bread