Good from Bad (Romans 8:28)

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How thankful we can be that we serve a God who is sovereign, loving, all-wise, and all-powerful! Nothing frustrates Him. Nothing stops Him. Nothing escapes His attention. He can take all things – both good and bad – and work them all together for the benefit of His children. This truth not only gives us great confidence, joy, and peace, but it also enables us to give thanks “in everything” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

In his book Vital Union with Christ, American pastor and writer Arthur Tappan Pierson enlarges on the truth of Romans 8:28, “God’s plan leaves nothing out. All things … work together for good – all things, even trials, at which we murmur and complain. The storms which threaten to uproot the trees readily root them more firmly and deeply in the soil. The blows that one might think would make the cast-iron brittle really cause it to undergo a sort of [tempering] and increase its strength and tenacity. The enforced rest of sorrow and pain, sickness and disappointment, John Ruskin compares to the rest in which there is no music, but the making of music; not the end of the tune, but a pause in the choral hymn of our lives, during which the Divine Musician beats the time with unvarying count, catching up the next note as if no breaking-place had come between.

Are you passing through deep waters? Does the way seem dark? Remember, if you love the Lord, all things, even the bad, are working together for your good. – Richard W. De Haan

Someday the path He chose for me

Will all be understood;

In heaven’s clearer light I’ll see

All things worked out for good. – Peterson

God causes many a tight place to open into the right place.

  • August 25, 1987, Our Daily Bread