Prism Vision (Proverbs 21:2)

Years ago an experiment was made in which people were fitted with special prismatic glasses. These devices caused things appear upside. Vision was greatly distorted so that straight lines appear to be curved, and sharp outlines seemed fringed with color. Within just a few days, however, the unnatural shapes, tinted edges, and inverted landscapes gradually disappeared, and the world began to appear normal again, even though they still wore their optical fittings. The brain was finally able to overcome false data that came through the prismatic lenses. This adaptability in the physical realm is indeed a blessing.

Our Scripture lesson, however, suggests that in the area of the spiritual, the mind doesn’t function very well. In fact, man is a sinner whose deepest imaginations are evil, and his thought life produces a world of illusions. He thinks of himself as pure, when in reality he is guilty before God. That is why, for example, many people today have shifted the responsibility for their behavior to environmental factors or to the faulty upbringing they have received from their parents. They fail to see their own rebellion and selfishness. Instead, they imagine themselves to be the helpless, innocent victims of circumstance. This is how they justify thoughts, feelings, and actions that are obviously sinful. Their way is right in their own eyes.

Even as Christians, we should be aware of the deceptive nature of our hearts. Let’s allow the Holy Spirit to correct our vision through a knowledge of God‘s Word.Martin R. De Haan II

Correct my vision, Father,

Awry and warped by sin,

That through Your Spirit’s blessing,

Your truth may shine against. – H. G. Bosch

Salvation gives spiritual vision to sin-blinded eyes.

  • August 28, 1985, Our Daily Bread