The Church Indestructible (Matthew 16:18)

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The chief of a large and successful chain of stores made a striking statement about the future of his company. He said that a hundred years from now it would either greatly changed or nonexistent.

The same can be said about every human organization. Leaders come and go, consumer desires change, manufacturing methods evolve. As a result, companies either change or they don’t survive.

According to Jesus, this will never happen to His church. Some individual churches may go out of existence, but the “gates of Hades” will never prevail against the church that Jesus is building. When He referred to “My church(Matthew 16:18), He had in mind all believers – past, present, and future. Paul called this vast group the “body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27).

The moment we trust in Jesus, we become members of His body, the church. And when Jesus used the phrase “the gates of Hades,” He was referring to death, for Hades is the abode of the dead. One by one believers die and pass through those “gates,” but this neither changes nor diminishes the church. They simply join those who are already victors in the “heavenly Jerusalem” (Hebrews 12:22-24).

Praise God, the church is indestructible! – Herbert Vander Lugt

Christ is made the sure foundation,

Christ the head and cornerstone;

Chosen of the Lord and precious,

Binding all the church in one. – Neale

The church, rooted by God, can never be uprooted by man.

  • October 17, Vol. 10, Our Daily Bread