The Silly Dove (Hosea 7:11)

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When pigeons and mourning doves become frightened, they react in sheer terror. Perhaps that’s why Hosea compared Israel to a silly dove. Although warned by God not to do so, the Israelites rushed wildly into foreign alliances, flitting back and forth between Egypt and Assyria for help. Their conduct was an example of the truth later expressed in James 1:8; they were “double-minded. They professed faith in Jehovah but continued to worship idols. When they saw impending disaster at the hands of invading armies, the Israelites cried out to Jehovah, but they didn’t repent of their sins. They returned to proper religious observances, but they didn’t forsake all the evil practices picked up from their heathen neighbors. As a result, they stayed out of touch with the Lord. They had no recourse except to fly in panic, first to one country and then to another for help.

Many individuals today make the same mistake. They say they want to go to heaven, but they also desire the sinful pleasures offered by our godless world-system. In time of trouble they cry out to God for help, but at the same time they consult religious impostors rather than those who believe the Bible. They want the kind of religion that lets them keep one foot in the world and its sin.

If this describes you, take warning. God will not tolerate double-mindedness. Settle the issue by an unconditional surrendered to the Lord. Repent, turn your back on sin, and commit yourself wholeheartedly to Christ. – Herbert Vander Lugt

Why trade the hope of heaven’s light

For things that please the prince of night?

Eternal glories wait for all

Who turn and trust God’s loving call. – Branon

Rejection of light breeds a fondness for darkness.

  • October 19, 1985, Our Daily Bread