A Flake of Mica (1 Peter 2:12)

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Sometimes we think that the people who do mighty works for God are the only ones who can have an impact for Christ. But we are mistaken. Every good work, no matter how small, is a testimony of God’s saving power and a witness of His grace. Every believer, therefore, should fulfill the will of God by doing good.

Alexander MacLaren touched on the importance of even the smallest service for God when he wrote, “Again the field is all trivial things …. There is nothing that grows so low but that the scythe will travel near enough to the ground to harvest it. There is nothing so minute but it is big enough to mirror the holiness of God. The tiniest grain of mica [a shiny mineral] on the face of the hill is large enough to flash back beam. Likewise, the smallest thing we can do is big enough to hold the bright light of holiness. Ah! If our likeness to God does not show itself in trifles, what is there left for it to show itself in? For our lives are all made up of trifles. The great things comes three or four of them in the seventy years, the little ones every time the clock ticks.

Every act of godliness, whether large or small, can manifest the glory of the Lord and draw people to Christ. Therefore, let’s try to please Him in everything we set our hands to do. Like a tiny flake of mica, we too can reflect a shining light.David C. Egner

Oh, thank you, God, for little things

Entrusted to my care;

I cannot do the mighty deeds,

So let me do my share. – Burdge

You can be too big for God to use, but you cannot be too small.

  • October 25, 1985, Our Daily Bread