How Long? (Revelation 3:20)

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It took years before she finally said yes. A Welshman had fallen in love with one of his neighbors and wanted to marry her. But they had quarreled, and she refused to forgive. Shy and reluctant to face the offended woman, the persistent suitor slipped a love letter under her door every week.

At last, after 42 years, he summoned up courage, knocked on her door, and asked her to become his wife. To his delight, she consented. So they were married at the age of 74!

God is also a persistent lover. Century after century He sent prophets as His messengers beseeching the stubborn, alienated people of Israel to live with Him, a faithful covenant-keeper. But all those overtures were sinfully refused. Then at Bethlehem, God Himself came in the Person of Jesus Christ. Now, having opened up the way for reconciliation by His redeeming sacrifice at Calvary, He stands at the door of everyone’s heart, knocking and asking that sinners personally accept Him as Savior.

If we have answered yes, let’s rejoice that we are His. If that door stays shut, however, we must realize that time may run out. Don’t remain forever self-alienated from the Lover of your soul. Trust Him today. – Vernon C. Grounds

Why trade the hope of heaven’s light

For things that please the prince of night?

Eternal glories wait for all

Who turn and trust God’s loving call. – J. D. Branon

God always knocks loud enough for a willing soul to hear.

  • October 31, 1993, Our Daily Bread