Our Great God (Psalm 19:1)

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Who can contemplate the magnificence of the universe without acknowledging the greatness of God? His handiwork can be seen in the intricacies of this complex world. Consider these facts about the precise design of our amazing planet.

  • The distance of the earth from the sun, approximately 93,000,000 miles, is just right to sustain life.
  • The 23 ½degree tilt of the earth on its axis ensures seasonal changes, without which much of the earth would be desert.
  • The balance of oxygen (21%) and nitrogen (78%) in the air we breathe is perfect for supporting life.
  • An ozone layer in the atmosphere shelters our planet from deadly ultraviolet rays from the sun.

Yes, evidences of remarkable design exist throughout God’s creation. This can be seen not only in the planets but also in the architecture of the human eye, the social behavior of the lowly ant, and the variety found in the snow crystals. These all speak of a God of order, design, and greatness.

Even more amazing is the fact that God has taken a personal interest in us. The psalmist expressed his astonishment by saying, “When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, … what is man that You are mindful of him? (Psalm 8:3-4). God cared so much that He sent HIs only Son to die for us. The great Creator become our Savior. How great is our God!Paul R. Van Gorder

The God who made the firmament,

Who made the deepest sea,

The God who put the stars in place

Is the God who cares for me. – Berg

All creation is an outstretched finger point toward God.

  • November 1, 1987, Our Daily Bread