Alive Forevermore! (Revelation 1:18)

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When Jesus emerged from the tomb, He broke the bonds of death and made it possible for us to have eternal life. Because our Redeemer lives, we too shall live and be with God forever.

A pastor has just received the news that he had a terminal illness. The next Sunday he said to his congregation, “I walked the 5 miles from the doctor’s office to my home. I looked toward that majestic mountain that I love. I looked at the river in which I rejoice. I looked at the stately trees that are always God’s own poetry to my soul. Then in the evening I looked up into the great sky where God was lighting His lamps and I said, ‘I may not see you many more times, but mountain, I will be alive when you are gone. And river, I will be alive when you cease running toward the sea. And stars, I will be alive when you have fallen from your sockets in the great pulling-down of the universe.’

A wonderful hope lies beyond the grave for all who are trusting Christ as their Savior. Death is not the end. Innumerable, indescribable, eternal glories await the child of God.

So, whether we face death ourselves or stand beside a dying loved one, we can take heart. Like Christ, we shall be “alive forevermore.” – Richard W. De Haan

Think of just crossing the river,

Stepping out safe on that shore,

Sadness and suffering over,

Dwelling with Christ evermore. – Anon.

When a Christian dies, he has just begun to live.

  • November 5, 1989, Our Daily Bread