God is not Hard to Please (1 Kings 3:10)

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I know a young man who could never please his father as he was growing up. No matter what he did, it always met with criticism. It he mowed the lawn, his father saw only the few blades of grass he missed – not the rest of the lawn he had done so well. If he cleaned the garage, no matter how much time he spent or how well he had done, his father always found something to complain about. If he brought home a report card with high grades, his Dad would spend more time talking about the single B+ than he would the five A’s. As a result, the boy felt that he was a perpetual failure. He lacked self-confidence and became obsessed with the thought the he could never do anything right.

This feeling carried over into his spiritual life. Though he had accepted Christ, he lived in a state of despondency. The explanation is simple: He felt that just as he could never satisfy his father, so too he could never please God. In fact, he told me, “After all, the Bible says it’s impossible to please God.” He was quoting Hebrews 11:6, but he missed the point. The verse actually says, “But without faith it is impossible to please Him.” Furthermore, today’s text shows that Solomon pleased God.

Have you been laboring under a sense of failure because you feel you can’t satisfy God? Set yourself free from the burden of perfectionism. Realize that He is pleased with you when from your heart you pray, worship, and obey Him. God is not hard to please. – David C. Egner

Lord, pure and holy is Your name,

You dwell in majesty above;

Yet childlike trust and yieldedness

Delight Your father-heart of love. – D. J. De Haan

He pleases God best who trusts Him most.

  • November 6, 1987, Our Daily Bread