Idle Words (Matthew 12:36)

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Idle words slip out of our mouth so quickly that we are hardly aware we said them. Sometimes we can’t even remember what they were. Yet they can harm others. They reveal that we lack the self-control that is a mark of being filled with the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).

Here are some examples of idle words that might be heard among Christians – words that could be damaging to others. “They just bought another new car. I wonder how much they give to the church.” “He just changed jobs again. He really must be an u8nstable person.” “Look at all the jewelry she wears. They’re far too materialistic.” “They always stay off by themselves. I wonder if they have something to hide.”

Sometimes such idle remarks turn into vicious rumors that cause great pain to others. A woman whose husband refused to attend church services came regularly and brought her mildly retarded son. The boy loved children and often talked to them. But one day a mother remarked in public, “I don’t want him near my child. There’s so much child abuse these days.” Within 2 weeks an unfounded rumor had spread through the church and the community that the boy was a child molester. The family suffered a great wrong.

Someone has said, “Man is the master of the unspoken word which, if spoken, becomes the master of him.” Let’s yield our tongues to the Holy Spirit. Then we won’t harm someone through idle words. – David C. Egner

Many things that others say

Are not for us to tell;

Help us, Lord, to watch our tongue –

We need to guard it well. – Branon

It is wiser to choose what you say than to say what you choose.

  • November 12, 1987, Our Daily Bread