God’s Appointments (Proverbs 16:9)

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There is no such thing as chance for the Christian. The Lord uses every event in life to accomplish His purposes.

Frank W. Boreham said, “It was not by chance that Elijah and Ahab met on the grassy slopes of Carmel. It was not by chance that Herod and John met on the highways of Galilee. It was not by chance that Pilate and Jesus met in the judgment hall at Jerusalem. It was not by chance that Peter and Cornelius met on the Syrian seaboard. It was not by chance that Philip and Ethiopian met on the sandy road to Gaza. It was not by chance that Nero and Paul met amid the antique splendors of ancient Rome …. No, our meetings are no more by chance than the meeting of Stanley and Livingstone in Central Africa.

As we begin each day, we should, with a sincere desire to please the Lord, gladly anticipate God’s appointments for us. They may be the people we meet or unplanned circumstances. But we should welcome them as opportunities to witness, to serve others, and to grow spiritually.

The incidents in our lives do not happen by accidents; they are not determined by the stars; they are not by chance. Recognizing God’s sovereign leading, let us rejoice in His appointments. – Richard W. De Haan

All things work out for good, we know –

Such is God’s great design;

He orders all our steps below

For purposes divine. – Peterson

The stops of a good man are ordered by the Lord as well as his steps. – Müller

  • November 16, 1990, Our Daily Bread

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