Ministers of Justice (Psalm 106:3)  

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God is the God of justice (Deuteronomy 23:4). He commanded Israel to act justly and fairly (Exodus 23:1-9), and He was grieved whenever judges and rulers were corrupt (Habakkuk 1). God requires all nations to reflect His justice in their laws and courts, and in the lives of their citizens.

The founding fathers of the United States acknowledged God’s justice. They were convinced that His ways were to be part of the law and life of the nation. James Madison said, “Before any man can be considered as a member of civil society, he must be considered as a subject of the Governor of the Universe.”

Commenting on Madison’s quote, Chuck Colson wrote in Kingdoms in Conflict, “I am always reminded of this when I visit the House of Representatives. A beautiful fresco on the upper walls of the chamber contains the portraits of history’s great lawgivers. Standing at the Speaker’s desk and looking straight ahead over the main entrance, one’s eyes meet the piercing eyes of Moses, the one who record the law from the original Lawgiver.

Christian friend, let us call for justice from our lawmakers and our courts. Let us not be tolerant of partiality or bad laws. Let us speak out when the innocent are victimized and the powerful go free. Let us see ourselves as God’s ministers of justice. – David C. Egner

Action Suggestions

  • Keep informed about current events.
  • Tell government leaders of your concerns for justice.
  • Inform fellow believers of key legal issues.

To serve a just God involves being servants of God’s justice.

  • November 20, 1989, Our Daily Bread