The Pursuit of Happiness (Matthew 5:3-5)

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Everyone wants to be happy, and people follow many avenues trying to achieve it. They work hard to accumulate wealth. They buy fancy cars and luxury-filled homes. They sign up for self-improvement programs. They get involved in a cause. The list goes on and on.

But that’s the wrong list. The right one is found in Matthew 5. Jesus describes the way to deep and lasting happiness: being right with God. He said we are blessed, or happy, when we are:

  • Poor in spirit – recognizing our spiritual bankruptcy without God and our spiritual wealth with Him.
  • Mourning – realizing the awfulness of sin and being genuinely sorry about it.
  • Meek – demonstrating self-control, even when we are mistreated.
  • Hungry and thirsty for righteousness – longing to be holy and pure.
  • Merciful – showing mercy to others, just as God shows mercy to us.
  • Pure in heart – being single-minded and sincere in our devotion to Christ.
  • Peacemakers – sharing the peace Christ offers, and promoting peace with one another.
  • Persecuted – being willing to suffer for Jesus’ sake.

Pursuing happiness? Do it Jesus’ way. – J. David Branon

Happy are they who love the Lord,

Whose hearts have Christ confessed,

Who by His cross have found their life,

Beneath His yoke their rest. – Anon.

Happiness depends on what we are, not on what we have.

  • November 23, 1990, Our Daily Bread