Still Here at the End (Revelation 22:13)

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High atop Mount Corcovado overlooking Rio de Janeiro stands a huge statue of Jesus Christ. The stone monument has stood for nearly 60 years, but now it’s beginning to crumble. According to Veja, a São Paulo newsmagazine, “The greatest risk is that a piece of the statue may fall on some tourists. Two million people a year visit Christ the Redeemer.”

As Brazilians look for ways to save the statue, perhaps it would be appropriate to point out an important truth about Christ. Even if the statue were to fall, the real Jesus still stands.

It is not possible to honor Christ Jesus adequately as we would a famous patriot by building a statue of Him. We do that for national leaders after they die to keep their memory alive. They are mortal, so we memorialize them in stone.

But Jesus is so different. He needs no stone memorial. He is still alive. He is seated today, in person, at the right hand of God. And through the indwelling Spirit, He lives in every Christian.

Jesus said, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End (Revelation 22:13). He was there before the world began, and He will be here when the world as we know it ends. Praise God! Jesus is alive! And He will stand forever. – J. David Branon

Famous people live and die,

Some immortalized in stone;

Jesus Christ transcends them all

As the ever-living One. – Sper

Man’s fame is fleeting, Christ’s fame is forever.

  • November 28, 1990, Our Daily Bread

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