One Day We’ll Be One (Ephesians 4:3)

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Last year I visited a beautiful old church in New Holland, Pennsylvania. Alongside the church is a sprawling old cemetery in which are buried members from three different denominations.

Someday God’s trumpet will sound, there will be a shout from heaven, and all the dead in Christ from that cemetery and every burial place in the world will rise as one great company to be with the Lord (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). No preferences will be shown to any denominations; but one great church, the body of Christ, will at last be united. Genuine faith in Jesus Christ will be the unifying factor that removes all our denominational distinctions and divisions as we join together in one great anthem of praise to our Lord and Savior.

With that as our prospect, let’s take seriously Paul’s words about unity in today’s text. The Holy Spirit can take the diversity within the body of Christ here on earth to help us deepen our own convictions, to make us examine God’s Word for ourselves, and to help us grow in love and respect for believers in Christ with whom we many strongly disagree.

Father, help us to see other Christians through the eyes of Christ, because on day we will all the be one. – Dennis J. De Haan

The church’s one foundation

Is Jesus Christ her Lord;

She is His new creation

By water and the Word. – Stone

Our union with Christ is the basis for unity with one another.

  • November 28, 1993, Our Daily Bread