Is it Tomorrow Yet? (Matthew 6:34)

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My 5-year-old Steven is having trouble understanding the concept of tomorrow. Whenever I tell him about some new and exciting adventure that we’ll do tomorrow (like going to a ballgame or building a new Lego set), he gets a little frustrated. The next day, he wants to know, “Is it tomorrow yet?” So I tell him, “No, it is never tomorrow. Now it’s okay, which is yesterday’s tomorrow.” I don’t think he gets it, but he does know that this is the day for our special time.

The idea of tomorrow is a rather slippery item. Tomorrow is always the hope of the future, but never the reality of the present. It promises something that it cannot guarantee. We live with our eye on the future, so we all, in a sense, keep asking, “Is it tomorrow yet?

As we think about tomorrow, we must remember the words of both Jesus and James. Our Lord told us not to worry about tomorrow, and James said that as we plan ahead we should always recognize God’s ultimate control.

What’s on your schedule for tomorrow? Tough decisions? A celebration? Sure trouble? Give your hopes and worries to the Lord and trust His will to be done. He will never do wrong. Not today and not tomorrow. J. David Branon

When every worry, every care

To God in faith is brought,

We have no ground on which to base

One single anxious thought. – Anon

Learn to live for today; most worries are about yesterday and tomorrow.

  • December 29, 1992, Our Daily Bread

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