Waiting for the Answer (Psalm 27:14)  

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God grants all our requests if they are in keeping with His will, but He doesn’t always fulfill them as quickly as we might wish. The Lord is never in a hurry.

We must learn to wait on Him, realizing that either the time many not yet be ripe for the answer we seek, or we are not yet fully surrendered to His will. Therefore, the immediate answer to many of our prayers is “wait awhile.” If we cannot accept this but insist on running ahead of God, we get into trouble. We must trust Him and believe that His timing is best.

The kind of waiting God requires is not glim resignation or anxious fretting. It’s a cheerful endurance that moves forward in the confidence that God will answer in His own good time.

Ophelia Adams wrote:

Unanswered yet? Nay, do not say ungranted;

Perhaps your part is not yet wholly done;

The work began when first your prayer was uttered,

And God will finish what He has begun.

Though years have passed since then, do not despair;

His glory you shall see, sometime, somewhere.

Take courage, dear Christian. God’s delays are not denials. Your Spirit-prompted prayers will be answered. Don’t let the waiting time weaken your faith.  – Henry G. Bosch

Points to Ponder

What requests have you been waiting for God to answer?

What have you been learning while waiting?

Has your faith grown or weakened?

Time waiting on God is never wasted time.

  • April 3, 1991, Our Daily Bread