Examples Anonymous (Luke 21:2)

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Although some of the “big names” in Christian ministry live out the teachings of Jesus Christ, the vast majority of God-honoring Christians are unknown and unheralded. Think of the faithful pastors struggling in small towns where there is little potential for growth. Think of the missionaries who are hardly known beyond the small circle of people who support them. Think of the Christian couples who take on the responsibility of being foster parents so they can help boys and girls who are having a rough time in life.

I know a man who made his living as a school teacher and spent many hours every week starting new churches in areas where there was no testimony for Christ. He never gets to speak at any large churches. He is never singled out for special honor. But he doesn’t care. He knows that God knows, and that’s what really counts.

In today’s Scripture, the widow who gave more than the wealthy people of her day is not named in the biblical record. Similarly, the writer of Hebrews, after citing some great heroes of the faith, refers to a company of anonymous men and women who were true to God through unbelievable persecution and suffering (Hebrews 11:35-40). We won’t know who they are until we reach heaven.

You may receive little honor here on earth, but keep doing what you know God wants you to do. Your work has eternal value, and someday God Himself will commend you for being an anonymous example. – Herbert Vander Lugt

Let others have the honors,

The glory and the fame –

I seek to honor Jesus

And glory in His name. – Horton

If you serve only for the applause of men, you sacrifice the approval of God.

  • April 9, 1988, Our Daily Bread