The Cross and the Crown (Zechariah 9:9)

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If Jesus had ridden a spirited horse into Jerusalem, He would have looked more kingly. But as Zechariah had prophesied, He came in a humble way. Why? The answer is that the kings of the East rode donkeys when on errands of peace, while the horse was used as a charger in war. Although Jesus came as Israel’s King, He did not come as a political revolutionary.

The multitudes, however, didn’t understand. Thinking only in terms of earthly prosperity and freedom from Rome, they enthusiastically welcomed Him. Yet, sad to say, a few days later the crowds were shouting “Crucify Him!

Many people today admire Jesus but do not recognize Him as the Savior of sinners. Man’s deepest need though, cannot be met until the sin problem is faced and overcome. For this reason, Christ rode into Jerusalem on a donkey with His face set toward the cross, knowing full well the painful death He would have to suffer there.

Now, having paid the price for human sin, He is highly exalted at God’s right hand and will come again as King of kings and Lord of lords. But the cross had to precede the crown.

If you expect to be part of Christ’s future kingdom, you must trust Him as your Savior now! Herbert Vander Lugt

If in heaven a crown you’d wear,

And bright palms of victory bear,

Christ the Savior you must claim,

Find redemption in His name. – Anon.

Without the cross, there could no crown.

  • April 12, 1992, Our Daily Bread