He Cannot Save Himself (Matthew 27:42)

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A minister rented a room at the home of a farmer who was not a Christian. The pastor waited for an appropriate time to talk to him about Jesus. Finally, early one morning the opportunity came when the farmer asked him to accompany him to the chicken house. There, on one of the nests, sat a hen with a brood of little ones peeking out from under her wings. “Touch her, Pastor,” the farmer said. As the minister put his hand on the hen, he found that she was cold and dead.

Look at the wound on her head,” the farmer continued. “A weasel has sucked all the blood from her body, and she never once moved for fear the animal would harm her chicks.

Oh,” said the minister, ”that was just like Christ. He endured all the suffering on the cross. He could have saved His own life but He would not because if He had moved we would have been lost!” The Holy Spirit applied the simple words of the farmer’s heart, and soon he put his faith in the One who on Calvary chose to save us, rather to spare Himself!

Have you accepted by faith Christ’s offer of salvation? Have you given your life to Him? He gave His life so that you could live. – Henry G. Bosch

He others saved but cannot save Himself

Was heard when Christ our Lord was crucified;

But He was sheltering us from death and hell –

It was for us the Savior bled and died. – Hess

The symbol of our Christian faith is a cross, not an easy chair.

  • April 20, Vol. 7, Our Daily Bread