The Jesus Way (Luke 6:27)

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The way many people treat those who have wronged them is just the opposite of Jesus way. For instance, a woman stipulated in her will that $1.00 of her estate and the interest from it given to her husband as “evidence of [their] estimate of his worth.

Even worse, another woman stated in her will that just enough money be left to her estranged husband to enable him to buy a rope and hang himself.

Now, we don’t why these two women were so spiteful, but no one should harbor such hatred – especially a Christian. Hatred and retaliation are utterly foreign to the Savior’s spirit of forgiveness. He set us a perfect example for us when He hung on the cross. He interceded for the very ones who were crucifying Him, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do (Luke 23:34).

Early in His ministry the Lord said, “Bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you. To him who strikes you on the one cheek, offer the other also (Luke 6:28-29). Then He said, “Just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise (v. 31).

As followers of Christ, how are we treating those who mistreat, abuse, and hate us? Is it with patience, love, and forgiveness? That’s the Jesus way. – Richard W. De Haan

When Jesus died upon the cross,

Revilers He forgave;

When we’re mistreated or abused,

Is that how we behave? – Sper

Revenge gets you even with your enemy, forgiveness puts you above him.

  • April 22, 1992, Our Daily Bread