He Is Here (Luke 24:36)

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Surprise! Surprise! The eleven apostles had gathered together on the day of Jesus’ resurrection. They were discussing the strange happenings of the past few days, and had just listened to a report from two men who said they had seen Jesus. Suddenly He was there! Then the Savior said, “Peace to you(Luke 24:36).

I wonder if we realize when we meet together – at church, in our home, in our prayer meetings, in our gathering with friends – that Jesus is also there. He said, “Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age (Matthew 28:20). Do we really believe He is with us and listens to every word we say, and that He sees all we do?

Some scholars were discussing the great authors of the past. One asked, “What if Milton should suddenly enter the room?” “Ah!” replied another. “We should honor him and compensate him for the little recognition he received his day.” A third man commented, “What if Shakespeare entered? Would we not all stand and proclaim him King of the Poets?” Them someone ventured, “And if Jesus Christ should enter?” There was a long silence, until finally one said: “But gentlemen, He is here!

Yes, remember that Jesus is here! He sees, He hears, and He knows!Martin R. De Haan, M. D.

Although we cannot see our Lord,

We know that He is here;

His promise is dependable:

He always will be near. – Hess

Our greatest privilege is to enjoy Christ’s presence.

  • April 27, Vol. 10, Our Daily Bread