Showers of Blessing (James 1:3)

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Almost everyone would rather have sunshine than showers. But just imagine what our world would be like if it never rained again.

An example of such a place is in northern Chile. Franklin Elmer, Jr., described a region between the great Andes mountain range and the Pacific Ocean where rain never falls. He wrote, “Morning after morning the sun rises brilliantly over the tall mountains to the east; each noon it shines brightly down from overhead; evening brings a picturesque sunset. Although storms are often seen raging high in the mountains, and heavy fog banks are observed far out over the sea, the sun continues to shine on this favored and protected strip of land. One would imagine this area to be an earthly paradise; but it is not. Instead, it is a sterile and desolate desert! There are no streams of water, and nothing grows there.” Elmer then made this application: “Too often we long for total sunshine and joy in life. We have wished to be rid of burdensome responsibilities. But, like this sunny, unfertile part of Chile, life without its burdens and trials would not be creative, productive, or challenging. We need sunshine and showers.

The storm clouds of suffering may at times blot out the sun and threaten to engulf us. But the trusting Christian recognizes that in God’s wise design and under His sovereign control they actually bring showers of blessing.Richard W. De Haan

O fearful saints, fresh courage take –

The clouds you so much dread

Are big with mercy, and will break

In blessings on your head. – Cowper

All sunshine and no rain makes a desert.

  • April 30, 1987, Our Daily Bread