Don’t Be Deceived! (Proverbs 14:15)

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We all need to watch out for deceptive people who want to take advantage of us. Here’s an example. One of the largest gold dealers in the United States was caught in the act of claiming something that wasn’t true. A court-appointed attorney got an order to open the company’s vault to confirm a disputed claim that it contained $2 million worth of the precious metal. When the door swung open, the vault appeared to contain a stack of gold bars. At that point, buyers who were waiting for their orders to be filled would have cheered. But a closer inspection revealed some bad news. Instead of holding $2 million worth of bullion, as claimed by the company president, the vault contained nothing more than 45 blocks of gold-painted wood. Many innocent investors lost a lot of money.

Our Heavenly Father lovingly cautions us in His Word about people in this world who come up with deceptive ventures like that. The writer of Proverbs reminds us not to believe everything we hear when we buy or sell something (Proverbs 20:14). He tells us to seek knowledge, understanding, and good counsel in everything we do (20:18). And because we cannot begin to see as the Lord sees (20:24), we should pray for His wisdom in the decisions we must make. God sees through the lies and the vaults of deception and the gold paint in a way that we never could. He can steer us clear of good-sounding bad values.

Sometimes we learn the hard way. But God always cares enough to warn us to be careful.Martin R. De Haan II

Many seek and strive for wisdom

But find folly in disguise;

All too few seek first God’s kingdom,

Only this can make one wise. – Anon.

Be bold in what you stand for, but careful in what you fall for.

  • August 24, 1984, Our Daily Bread

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