Trouble in the Land (Joel 1:14)

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And we think we have trouble! It’s easy to lose the right perspective when we look at our world and see the way things are going. In some places people are struggling to survive, while in others they are busy killing each other.

If the difficulties of the past few years make us wistful for the good old days, we haven’t read about the really old days Joel was talking about.

Here’s what Judah was up against: A relentless hoard of locusts had ravaged the land. The vineyards were so damaged that the priests couldn’t even squeeze out a drink offering. The fig, pomegranate, palm, and apple trees were all ruined. The entire agricultural Judean economy, was wiped out. Indeed, as Joel described it, “Joy has withered away from the sons of mean(1:12). At a time when many must have been shaking their fists at God for allowing such devastation, Joel told the people that it was time to go into the house of the Lord and cry out to Him.

That is always the answer. When there is trouble in the land, our only recourse is to turn to God, call out to Him, and trust Him without fail. No matter what calamity strikes today, that should be our number one strategy.

Do we daily “cry out to the Lord”? – J. David Branon

There is only One who knows

All the answers to my woes;

He will all my need supply

When in faith to Him I cry. – Anon.

Prayer is the child‘s helpless cry to the Father’s attentive ear.

  • September 27, 1993, Our Daily Bread