God is a Person (Job 33:4)

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The Bible teaches that God is a person – that He has an individual identity. He is a spiritual being, and though He does not have a body, He thinks and feels and can communicate with us. He is not some cosmic force. Rather, He is a personal, compassionate God who is sensitive to our needs.

Machines, in contrast, are not personal. They are simply mechanical devices. Although they help us in many ways, they do not have emotions or minds. When they fail us at the most inopportune moment, it’s not because they want to embarrass us or make us lose our tempers. The car that refuses to start on the morning of an important job interview, for example, is not out to destroy us. When it doesn’t respond to our pleadings or threats, it simply means that the battery cable is loose, the fuel pump is broken, or there’s some other electrical or mechanical problem. Or if it “miraculously” starts, it only means that the ice in the gas line has finally thawed. You can’t establish a relationship with a machine that neither hears nor feels nor thinks.

But God does all of those things. He hears our prayers, He feels our joys and our sorrows, and He is the source of all wisdom. His love for us transcends our fears, and His concern for our well-being exceeds our own. Yes, God is a person – an eternal Being who wants us to have fellowship with Him. We must do all we can to guard our relationship with the One who made us.David C. Egner

Oh, the pure delight of a single hour

That before Thy throne I spend;

When I kneel in prayer and with Thee, my God,

I commune as friend with friend. – Crosby

When you relate to God as a person, you develop a personal relationship with Him.

  • November 2, 1986, Our Daily Bread