A Fly and God’s Sovereignty (Jeremiah 32:27)

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Man cannot thwart the sovereign purposes of God. Heathen nations tried to destroy Israel, the nation through which the Redeemer would be born, but the Lord intervened to preserve His people.  Sometimes He did this through a dramatic display of His power, like dividing the Red Sea or opening the earth to swallow Israel’s enemies (Deuteronomy 11:2-6). At other times He used small, natural means, such as attacking hornets (Joshua 24:12). In either case, His will was accomplished.

John Wesley was holding a meeting in a small town, and an ungodly man who was fond of music decided to attend. He wanted to hear the “good singing,” but he planned to stop listening when Wesley began to preach. He sat quietly until the song service ended. Then he covered his ears. Suddenly a fly landed on his nose. Then he tried to shake it off, but to no avail. The tickling effect was so irritating that he finally had to use one hand to shoo away the insect. At that precise moment Wesley was quoting Jesus’ words, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” Startled, the unbeliever kept listening, and through the gospel message he was converted. God had used a fly to reach a rebellious sinner!

Believer, do you have some sin-hardened loved one who seems determined to resist the Holy Spirit? Is there some circumstance that seems to be thwarting God’s will? Don’t despair. Keep trusting and praying. Nothing is too hard for a sovereign God!Henry G. Bosch

No, nothing could withstand His will,

Should God lay bare His arm this hour;

All things would bow before His rule,

And hardest hearts yield to His power. – H. G. Bosch

God delights to use minute means to perform mighty miracles.

  • November 4, 1986, Our Daily Bread