How to Resist Temptations (Mark 14:38)

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When we recognize the ugliness of temptations, we will be better able to resist them. Someone wrote, “If only I could see my temptations as I see other people’s, they won’t be a bit hard to fight. Other people’s temptations looks to ugly and foolish. But my own temptations come with a rosy light about them so that I don’t see how hateful they are until afterward. There are two ways to see temptations in their true colors. One is to pray about them and thus bring them into the clear light of God’s presence. The other is to say, ‘How would this look if someone else yielded to it? To the one being tempted, enticement to sin may be appealing. But if we yield, we start down a path to self-destruction.

In today’s Scripture reading, Satan put before Jesus a seemingly harmless temptation to satisfy His hunger. Then he posed another concerning God’s protection. The third was an open request that He worship him. But the Savior saw Satan’s true intent – to divert Him from going to Calvary and thus prevent Him from paying sin’s penalty. He met every appeal by quoting the Scriptures. Jesus was saying to Satan, “I am living under the authority of My Father and His Word.

If we know God’s Word, which is the sword of the Spirit, and understand how to wield it, we too can be victorious over Satan. To resist temptation, we must be strong in the Lord, filled with His Spirit, and quick to recognize the ugliness of sin.Richard W. De Haan

Yield not to temptation, for yielding is sin,

Each victory will help you some other to win;

Fight manfully onward, dark passions subdue,

Look ever to Jesus – He’ll carry you through. – Palmer

If you want to master temptation, let Christ master you.

  • November 5, 1987, Our Daily Bread