It’s Okay to be Happy (Psalm 32:11)

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Is it all right for me to be happy? This is a question a number of people have asked – including me. It may be voiced by someone who can’t erase the memory of some sinful conduct confessed and forsaken many years ago. Or a person who carelessly injured someone and caused great pain may wonder if he has any right to be happy.

Such a question may grow out of a sensitivity to the misery of others. It comes to my mind when I’m enjoying a happy evening at home while a friend is suffering an intense pain in the hospital, or while hundreds are grieving over the death of dear ones in a plane crash. With so many people who are sick, cold, hungry, out of work, or homeless, do we have a right to be happy?

The Bible answers this troubling question with a resounding YES! Of course, we are to be sorry about our sins, and we must be concerned about the grief and pain of others. But after we have confessed and forsaken sin, we should accept God’s forgiveness and rejoice in it. After we have prayed for the suffering and sorrowing and have done what we can to help, we should gratefully enjoy good things of life. They are blessings from the gracious hand of the Lord (Psalm 128).

Yes, it’s okay to be happy! Herbert Vander Lugt

The heart that trusts, forever sings

And feels as light as it had wings

A well of joy within it springs,

Come good or ill. – Anon.

Joy is the byproduct of trusting God.

  • November 6, 1989, Our Daily Bread