The Worry Cure (Philippians 4:6)

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You may have heard the slogan, “Why worry when you can pray? The way some Christians respond to troubling situations, however, it seems that they have rearranged the wording to read, “Why pray when you can worry? That may sound ridiculous, but unfortunately it’s a very accurate reflection of the way many believers react to trials and problems. Rather than casting their burdens on the Lord and trusting Him for His help, they insist on trying to handle their problems by themselves.

I once read about an unusual woman who had learned the secret of victory over worry. Although a widow for years, she had successfully raised not only her own 6 children but 12 adopted ones as well. When a reporter asked how she managed to remain so clam and poised with her busy schedule, she said, “Oh, I’m in a partnership.” “What kind of partnership?” he asked. She replied, “One day, a long time ago, I said, ‘Lord, I’ll do the work, and You do the worrying.’ I haven’t had a worry since.

What a wonderful partnership! Our daily duties and responsibilities wont’ be a burden if we let God do His part. When we give Him the “worrying,” we become free from fear and anxiety. When we allow Him to be part of all we do, our weak efforts are undergirded by His divine power. When we are willing to do what He has assigned, we can present our need to Him and trust Him for His help.

Don’t be overwhelmed. You are in partnership with the Lord. Let Him do the worrying.Richard W. De Haan

If you trust and never doubt,

He will surely bring you out –

Take your burden to the Lord

And leave it there. – Tindley

If we worry, we can’t trust; if we trust, we can’t worry.

  • November 10, 1987, Our Daily Bread