Reflected Joy (Proverbs 15:13)

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The face becomes a rather good barometer of the atmosphere of the heart. It indicates how we feel.

In one of his booklets, Adrian Rogers tells of some gold prospectors who discovered an exceptionally rich mine. One of them said, “Hey, we’ve got it made as long as we don’t tell anybody else before we stake our claims.” So they each vowed to keep the secret.

Because they had to have more tools and provisions, they headed for town. After buying all the supplies they needed, they hurried back to the mine site. But they weren’t alone. A crowd of people followed them because their discovery was written all over their faces.

What happens on the inside shows on the outside. The glory of God experienced by Moses on the mountain reflected in his face to such an extent that when he came into the valley, the skin of his face shone as he talked to the people. Like Moses, we cannot spend time in the presence of God without showing it in some way.

Joyful Christians with the light of God on their faces are needed in the darkness of this world. It’s not “turning on the charm” or “pumping up” the spiritual vitality. A joyful countenance comes from a heart made happy by fellowship with the Lord Jesus. – Paul R. Van Gorder

Fill me with gladness from above,

Hold me by strength Divine;

Lord, let the glow of Your great love

Through my whole being shine. – Anon.

If you have God’s light in our heart, it will show on your face.

  • November 15, 1989, Our Daily Bread