Just a Coincidence? (Nehemiah 2:4, 8)

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A missionary in Africa was on his way to a village when he came to a narrow, turbulent river at flood stage. All the bridges had been washed away. Needing desperately to get across, he dropped to his knees and asked God to provide a way. Just then he heard a loud crash. A huge tree, its roots undermined by the rushing water, had fallen directly across the stream.

He thanked God for answering his prayer. He believed he had seen a miracle. But what would happen if he told this story to a group of non-believers? They would probably say that the falling tree was a naturally produced event and that the timing was just a coincidence.

I am convinced that this falling tree was an answer to prayer. God often answers our petitions in such a way that only those who have spiritual insight can see His hand.

Consider Nehemiah. Standing before a king, he silently prayed. A little later, he left the monarch’s presence with everything he needed to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and help the Jews who returned there. No open miracle. Just the king being surprisingly helpful and generous. Who influenced him? God did. Why? Because Nehemiah prayed.

God answers our prayers. So keep praying!Herbert Vander Lugt

God has given you His promise

That He hears and answers prayer;

He will heed your supplication

If you cast on Him your care. – Bernstecher

Prayer moves the hand that moves the world.

  • November 17, 1993, Our Daily Bread