Truth on File (James 1:22)

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All of us need to ask, “Why do I read the Word of God? If we do it simply to acquire biblical knowledge, we have missed the purpose for which God gave it. We would be like a medical doctor who keeps voluminous files of information on the physical body but never treats his patients. Or like a young man who pursues diligent studies in aeronautical engineering but never designs a single part for an aircraft. Obedience and practice should naturally follow the taking in of God’s truth. Great tragedy can result when we are hearers only.

Most of us have heard of the sinking of the Titanic – the most luxurious ocean-going vessel of its day. On her maiden voyage in 1912, as the ship was proceeding at great speed, the operator in the wireless room received a radio message from another vessel. It warned that icebergs were in the immediate vicinity. The operator wrote the message on a slip of paper, placed it under a weight at his elbow, and continued about his duties. It never reached the captain. The result? More than 1500 lives were lost. Information without action can lead to destruction.

God‘s message to us is received in the mind as we read and hear the Word. There it is put “on file. But if that’s as far as it goes, it will never touch the heart or move the will. Jesus said, “If you know these things, happy are you if you do them (John 13:17).

Lord, keep us from putting Your truth on file and not into our lives. – Paul R. Van Gorder

No truth of God stored in the mind

Will ever meet our needs

Until that truth gives birth to faith

And faith gives birth to deeds. – D. J. De Haan

Let God’s Word fill your memory, rule your heart, and guide your feet.

  • November 21, 1985