A Flat Thanks (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

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The day before Christmas became a thanksgiving day for my family. The station wagon was packed with kids and travel stuff for the 400-mile trip to Grandma’s. As is our custom, before leaving we asked God to protect us on the road. He did, but in an unusual way.

As we were cruising down I-75 in Ohio, we ran over some debris on the road. It made a lot of noise, but did no damage – or so we thought. With every passing mile, we figured that the crisis had passed. When we pulled off the expressway for a gas a few miles later, though, we were in for a deflating surprise. I felt a sickening, sloppy feeling in the front of the car. both front tires had gone flat.

We weren’t happy with having to replace the tires, but we were thankful for God’s care. Thankful that we didn’t have an accident. Thankful that the tires stayed inflated until we got off the expressway. Thankful for the tow truck sitting at the gas station. Thankful that a repair shop was open. We were thankful for God’s answer to our prayer.

Our trials were nothing compared with what the apostle Paul endured. Yet he gave thanks to God, and he said we should be thankful “in everything.” Any day can be thanksgiving day, even when things go wrong.J. David Branon

We should be ready to give the Lord thanks

For blessing as well as for test;

Hearts that are thankful is all that He asks,

Let’s trust Him to give what is best. – Bierema

If you pause to think, you’ll have cause to thank.

  • November 24, 1994, Our Daily Bread